The frame or handlebar stem Fold Latch Pivot Pins may come loose from time to time and could fall out.
The Fold Latch Pivot Pin is loose or missing from the Frame Latch or the Stem Latch
Frame Fold Latch Pivot Pin
Frame Fold Latch Pivot Pin loose
Frame Fold Latch Pivot Pin Missing
Handlebar Stem Fold Latch Pivot Pin
Stem Fold Latch Pivot Pin Loose
Stem Fold Latch Pivot Pin Missing
Partially open the fold latch. Tighten the Fold Latch Pivot Pins to 4 - 5 Nm using a 3mm hex key. Recheck that the pins are tight after 100 miles/160 km and always at your next service. If the pins are loose, apply Loctite 222 or equivalent, re-tighten to 4 - 5 Nm and recheck again after 100 miles/160 kms.
Can I ride my Gocycle?
If the frame and handlebar stem Fold Latch Pivot Pins have been tightened to 4-5Nm you can continue to ride your Gocycle. If the frame and handlebar stem Fold Latch Pivot Pins are missing, do not ride your Gocycle and contact us through our contact form here to order a replacement.
If you have any questions regarding this technical bulletin, complete our contact form here.